Supershero (UNSTUCK remix)

We wild women ride railroads with combat boots strapped / laced tight protecting our sheep because our children sleep with nightmares 

We keep our emotions frozen from fiction in his storybooks / We the daughters of Sheba heirs to the throne / We imbibe intuition / we bear our burden on backs barren / Our gender specific / we are the Superwomen

The ladies to give birth to revolutions in boardrooms break rooms, bodegas and brothels where some of us finance romance due to personal circumstance 

We survive

They call us She short for Supershero 

We build bridges that generations will cross / We crochet uniforms for matching armies / We pray, repeat scripture, some chant namaste and sing warrior lullabies

We connect with ancestors for answers to questions that six year olds conceive. In Alabama, where blood colored soil echoes the dreams of four little angels / We climb heights with deer and send out warnings of lightening and thunder / Rain cleanses our wounds / we get in formation so we are positioned for battle / again 

We strive

They call us She short for Supershero

 Our memories are like elephants and our swords are like tusks / We travel in packs and use our weapons when necessary / Our words pierce through flesh that is diseased

Some of us our doctors / some midwives / Some serve as council / the rest of us wait / We stir up our gifts and barter with dignity to gain honor

Friends and fruit we choose carefuly / Wisdom is our passport for this sojourn  / And we rub cocoa butter on scars to mend broken bones

We stay alive

They call us She short for Supershero

We look until we find the red orange yellow sunset / We don’t sleep cause we tired of being tired

We rise until we kiss the sky

Our mothers are silent because they cannot speak / It is our time and we must rely on the moon inside / The tide current / the tomatoes ripe / the harvest ready

The virtuous woman in the mirror is UNSTUCK

And she’ll manipulate physics to make the earth rotate with her cycle / The marrow of her elegant bones is where Solomon hid his riches

Our names are written by scribes and translated into hieroglyphics

We are prolific 

We are fried fish, candied yams, collard greens, mac and cheese, sweet tea with hot water cornbread on the side please

We are soul food thoroughbreds, so call us by name

We are Julie Dash, Shab Bahadori, Mata Hari, Zora Neale Hurston 

Brenda Stewart, Ava Duvernay, Tige Charity, Michelle Obama, Dr. Pastor Andrea Humphry and Queen Esther / 

So we don’t need Charlie to be angels

Only God

We thrive

They call us She short for Supershero

We forget and then we remember / We are single mothers with five mouths to feed / We succeed 

We are crackheads with habits trading places with movie stars / We breathe

We are aid to dependent children / We breed

We are public in our quests to conquer the world / We are the United States of Women, chairs of the board, senators and Presidents 

We are more than hashtags and moments / We are movements all by ourselves / We are free

They call us She short for Supershero

 As we walk miles on roads less traveled  / With shoes tight around our ankles / The footprints we make are indelibly recorded on the iPads of little girls who play TikTok with other little girls who Snapchat the lesson to little boys

Our names are documented in court dockets / Scribbled on prison walls in notebooks and typed in code by paralegals

We are eagles

We ride or die for the masses / We are hope for the hopeless

Our wombs are habitats for humanity / We make no excuses and apologize only to ourselves

Our men call us blessed and learn Lamaze giving pause for the cause

They call us she / short for Supershero

So when they see us gleaning in the fields like Ruth, with the shining humility of diamonds and topaz / they won’t have to wonder how we bagged Boaz

They’ll just respect the swag and call us by name

Because only the unattainable can render us insane

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